On the Blog

Why TikTok is Not a Place for Tweens

Why TikTok is Not a Place for Tweens

TikTok previously known as lip-syncing app musical.ly is a short-form 15sec video creating/sharing social media app rated 13+ for use. It is a free mobile app available on both Apple and Android mobile devices. Users of TikTok can make videos by creating an account and using the creator tools to film their video and add special effects. So what’s the issue?

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An Open Letter to Secondary Students

An Open Letter to Secondary Students

An open letter to Secondary Students, from Author, Teacher and Speaker, Sharon Witt.

This letter is addressed to students in Melbourne, Victoria. However, so much of this is true for Secondary Students and Final Year students anywhere in Australia this term.

What a year they have come through. We are so proud of them!

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What the Final Class of 2020 Needs from You Right Now

What the Final Class of 2020 Needs from You Right Now

When you are at school everything builds up to the final year. Some major Rites of Passage events happen then. It is normal for teenagers to look forward to more independence. Yet March 2020 saw this cancelled – almost overnight.

Study stress has been an issue for young people for a number of years already. What is our role…

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Ideas to Manage T(w)een Anxiety About COVID-19

Ideas to Manage T(w)een Anxiety About COVID-19

Like many reading this, I am a parent (I have 3 children, one already an adult) – and the talk of COVID-19 has been part of our daily conversation in the last few weeks. A study about empowering families during a healthcare crisis recommends the C-A-R-E approach. Engaging the CARE principles helps young people and families feel empowered. It reduces, and may even improve the risk of anxiety and trauma responses.

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