
The Raising Teens Podcast

Your child emerges into their teen years and so much changes! It’s a unique time for both you and your child. Join Raising Teens – with Collett Smart as part of your support system – your village!

It is a place of hope, where I am joined by leading experts. Together, we provide you with information and resources to support you and your teen in this next chapter of the journey.


As parents and carers there are lots of small things we can do to practically love and support our teens, which make a big difference to their lives, even if we don’t see it right now. Have a listen to the latest episode here.


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Media Reported Trauma - 10 Tips for supporting young people

Weekly news reports of traumatic images and stories of pain and destruction such as; natural disasters (bushfires, floods, volcanoes and earthquakes), the coronavirus, terrorist attacks, threats of war and shootings can cause great concern in children. Adults can sometimes assume that teens are coping with the overload of media reported trauma – while quietly – they are imploding.

Is your Daughter a victim of Gaslighting?

Remember that gaslighting is calculated emotional manipulation, often in the form of undermining yet subtle, chronic insults. It is usually done when your daughter doesn’t comply with something her partner/boyfriend wants to control. She might often hear terms like…

Boys have body image issues too - 10 ideas to support them.

Boys have body image issues and are more body conscious than we realise. Unfortunately, boys are far less likely to address their own body image concerns and are more likely to struggle alone, because body image issues have long been thought of as ‘a girl thing’. Our boys also tend to laugh off…

When friendships go wrong for girls

Girlhood relationships are so important, yet they can be both wonderful and awful in the same week. This seems to really ‘ramp up’ for a period, in the tween and early teen years.

Friendship fallouts hurt, but children need to know that arguing doesn’t have to be the end of the friendship. Developmentally, some squabbling is vital because…

Connecting with Teens – 6 Tips

During their teens our kids go through changes – massive changes in fact! Their brains are changing, but not all in the same way or at the same time. Add to this their changing bodies and the development of a strong desire to become independent of us. (As there should be. Who wants a 30-year-old man-child still sitting in their lounge room playing Fortnite all day?)

There will be challenging times, with some struggling more than others. Particular periods are hard – really hard.

How do you talk to your teen about porn?

Young people are naturally curious and innately want to know more about love and sex, yet porn has the ability to destroy everything that is good about romance, love and relationships…

When Friendships go Wrong for Girls

Girlhood relationships are so important, yet they can be both wonderful and awful in the same week. Friendship fallouts hurt, but tweens and teens need to know that arguing doesn’t have to be the end of the friendship. Developmentally, some squabbling is vital because

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Is your Daughter a Victim of Gaslighting?

Remember that gaslighting is calculated emotional manipulation, often in the form of undermining yet subtle, chronic insults. It is usually done when your daughter doesn’t comply with something her partner/boyfriend wants to control. She might often hear terms like…

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Boys have Body Image Issues too

Boys have body image issues and are more body conscious than we realise. Unfortunately, boys are far less likely to address their own body image concerns and are more likely to struggle alone, because body image issues have long been thought of as ‘a girl thing’. Our boys also tend to laugh off…

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6 tips on Young Teens, Sleepovers and Parties

The party culture begins to build in Year/Grade 9, sometimes very quickly. Although most young people at this age will choose not to drink, alcohol starts to become a part of their socialising experience, usually at pre-parties, with a small but influential group regularly drinking, some to excess. Instead of…

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About Raising Teens

“I’m so glad you’re here! 

Raising teens can be the most incredible, exhilarating, joyous journey. It can also be confusing, frightening and lonely at times. Some of our tweens and teens are struggling with their mental health and I wanted to create a space where parents could find guidance and support, but mostly – Hope! 

This website doesn’t replace tailored advice from a registered professional, but it is a place where you can find  current research (in practical speak) and information by well-known experts on adolescent development.  

So that you can get on with the job that you do best – loving your teen.”   (More here…)

Collett Smart

Psychologist – Author – Speaker



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